How do you attract the irresistible in everyday life? Just keep your antennas on full alert and your cameras handy to record and preserve all the scintillating moments happening around you.
I recently bought a Kodak ZI8 camera and absolutely love it! The compact little machine does not replace the capabilities of my 35 millimeter with interchangeable lenses and getting up close and personal for macro shots. And I still need the expertise of my videographer but you cannot deny the quality of the video for a handheld device that you can whip out of your pocket or purse to capture the world around you.
Capturing The Irresistible Everyday Life from Jennifer Darden on Vimeo.
Everyday life might be:
* a bluejay feeding frenzy as they dive for peanut, walnut, and grahamn cracker nuggets
* mischievous squirrels defying all claims of the squirrel proof feeders
* A dutiful cardinal husband feeding his feathered wife
* The cheese-carving artist you meet at a grocery store cheese tasting
* A painter stroking brilliant emotional hues onto a blank canvas outside under the sun
* A hummingbird streaking in to extract nectar from a scarlet red hibiscus flower.
* Introducing the newest four legged member of our family
Introducing Baylee, The Newest 4 Legged Member Of Our Family from Jennifer Darden on Vimeo.
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